I often stop and think, there are some stupid people who get heard all the time, and I here I am, of relatively high intelligence, still left in the dark, much like Descartes (before his death !).
This blog is going to act as a medium for my thoughts and theories.
I already have a few posts in mind.
Tommorow I shall write about who i think should have won the election and why.
Then I shall discuss immigration and what we should do about it.
After that I'll move on to what I think about video games and their effect on society.
I'll then continue to discuss current affairs as they arise, interspersed with some introspective posts about my feelings.
Anyone who knows me will be prepared for many lols along the way and tales of my drunken antics lolollollol :P
That's it for now, visit tomorrow to hear what I thought of the election.
Joe xx