Saturday 29 May 2010

A brief history of some of my antics

Friends, forgive me. I have once again had a change of heart about the topic of my next blog.

Please direct your attention to the title, which I believe will inform you of the topic of this post. I think this post will be a milestone in my internet journalism career. I have blogged several times giving advice on how to make oneself cooler. I think with the  support  of some personal anecdotes we can make a lot of progress. Before continuing, here is the dictionary definition of "antics":


Usually, antics.

1. a playful trick or prank; caper.

2. a grotesque, fantastic, or ludicrous gesture, act, or posture.

Anyone who knows me will be aware that I have an antic at least once a week, and most of these are pretty good. Very occasionally though I'll have/do an antic that is worthy of making the history books.

What follows is a list of such recent antics:

  1. Pole dancing on a lamp post
This happened on a recent night out with The Friendship Group (my group of closest friends hereafter referred to as The FG). One of The FG dared me to pole dance on a lamp post and I obliged for 2 reasons. Firstly, there are some complex rules within The FG concerning dares and I didn't want to breach any of them. Secondly, I'd already had at least 2 coronas so was up for anything. 
To this day I don't know who the other person in this photo is. I had been dancing for 2 minutes or so and he just came over. It has been suggested that my moves were working in a similar way to a magnet (except attracting that guy instead of metal). I carried on dancing for maybe another 3 minutes and then went home because the apprentice was on.
This antic got some pretty good reviews and gained me quite a bit of street cred with The Friendship Group.
Please note that the stranger didn't have a blurry face, I used my photoshop skills to protect his identity (this blog is read by a lot of people and I don't want any copyright claims etc etc.)

2. Making this face when I was getting my blue WKD

This was quite a recent antic and recieved many lols.
I had just gone to the bar to get my second blue WKD and thought it was prime opportunity for an antic. I bit the bullet and went for the face you can see on the photo. This photo wasn't actually taken at the time of the antic. No one had there camera ready  so once I had done it once I told someone to be ready to take a photo and did it again. The timing was off a few times and on one the flash didn't work, so this is actually the 6th photo we took.
I thought it was a pretty good photo so sent it to a graphic designer. For a small fee they made me these which I now have blu tacced on my wall:

This one wasn't photoshopped and is real:

A prime example of me enticing the ladies, see blog.

This brings me to the end of this post, although I will revisit this topic at a later date. Come back soon to read my review of my Nokia N95 mobile phone.

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Yours, Priceless